
Cataclysm Classic Giveaway!

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Cataclysm Classic Giveaway!


2024-05-18 17:00:33
What is that? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's DEATHWING!

Cataclysm Classic is upon us soon and to celebrate, Blizzard Europe has given us a Cata Classic key for yet another giveaway! The key is for the Blazing Epic Upgrade which includes a cool Firelord mount as well as Lil' Wrathion!

To enter this giveaway, we want you to cast your mind back to a time in old-school Cataclysm, when you were peacefully exploring the lands of Azeroth, maybe questing, maybe farming, just to be surprised by a dreading shadow above you, followed by your characters death animation and the achievement Stood in the Fire. Do you remember how it happened? What were you doing at the time? Or were you perhaps one of those actively seeking out Deathwing for his ... warming, achievement-bringing breath?

Let us know in a comment!

Entries will be accepted until May 21st and the winner will be drawn at random as usual.

P.S. If you didn't play during Cataclysm, fine to just leave a comment and let us know what you're looking most forward to in the Cata Classic release :-)

#WoW_Partner #CataClassic


wrote on 2024-05-26 15:10:20

What is this GIANT shadow ??? What the h.... ??? Arghh !!! (edited)


wrote on 2024-05-21 17:39:55

You always get hit when you least expect it (usually when you've gone afk to answer the door!)


wrote on 2024-05-21 17:22:27

I can't recall when I got it on my main, but I'sure that an alt got it while doing "The day Deathwing came" quests at the Badlands


wrote on 2024-05-21 17:08:33

I don't remember which zone I was in, but I was just minding my own business questing the first time he killed my character. It was wild.

Annoying wrote on 2024-05-21 15:36:06

I didn't play cata back then so I am looking forward to experiencing it now.


wrote on 2024-05-21 14:55:56

Living in South Africa, our internet where we lived at that time was so bad my latency on a good day was 350ms, on 3G Mobile.
We used to have a server called SARealm, allowing us Saffa's to play Wrath, for free... shhh
After it was closed down, I was "forced" to buy Cata, and well, yeah, all I can say is I loved Cata, and have been playing ever since.
In terms of dying, yeah, at 350ms, trust me, I died plenty.


wrote on 2024-05-21 14:33:27

At the time of Cataclysm I couldn't play because I was studying away from home and I didn't have a connection in the student residence. So I'm going to try to play it now and have those gaming experiences today


wrote on 2024-05-21 14:31:17

I don't quite recall when or how, but i was amazed at how big he was! Looking forward to playing it again!


wrote on 2024-05-21 14:20:41

I logged in one day and BAM! dead :p


wrote on 2024-05-21 14:05:27

I had to go hunting for it and always arrived too late xD


wrote on 2024-05-21 13:41:53

Unfortunately, this was the expansion I quit WoW and didn't return until BFA. I kinda wish I hadn't, because I missed Pandaria during it's hey-dey which would have been fun to be a part of. That's the only Cata memory I have to share :D


wrote on 2024-05-21 12:56:20

I didn't play it, but can't wait for Firelands!!


wrote on 2024-05-21 11:31:19

I was wandering the Badlands looking for ore and minding my own business. When the sky went red and then I was dead. And an achievement was revealed as I did the much loved corpse run.


wrote on 2024-05-21 08:19:33

I was just minding my own business in Uldum, wondering why everything started to look so differently..


wrote on 2024-05-21 08:16:48

I was pretty young at the time and didnt konw much about wow. I remember leveling in Winterspring and suddenly the whole screen filled with flames and I died. Good times. Took me a while to figure out what hapenned.


wrote on 2024-05-21 07:59:06

I didn't play the old Cataclysm, at the moment doing the "new" one, I'm looking forward to feel the diffrence in Classic


wrote on 2024-05-21 04:29:59

Well, i have the achievement from 2010, but i have no recollection of it. Though, I'm sure it was terrifying lol.


wrote on 2024-05-21 03:53:21

I want to level up again to see the old world changes on quest


wrote on 2024-05-21 01:08:19

Cataclysm was the first expansion where I switched back to Alliance from Horde. I had a Human Paladin in Classic but swapped to Horde to join some friends in town. The Cataclysm cinematic with Loch Modan being destroyed gave me uber nostalgia and I swapped back, have been Alliance ever since!


wrote on 2024-05-20 23:46:40

Absolutely sought out DW to get the achievement. Think I was in Loch Modan or Badlands when I got smoked. Speaking of which, I miss the look of some of the old pre-Cata zones. I hope we get an update sometime.


wrote on 2024-05-20 20:39:30

Having done Loremaster, I was eager to do all of the new quests and new zones, hoping Deathwing would fry me in one of them. After a while, having had no luck, I looked up the achievement and found several people had had success in Arathi Highlands. Off I went, in the wee early hours of the morning, in the spot most recommended by my fellow achievement hunters. For 3 hours I stood there, admiring the scenery, watching the sky turn colours. Finally, it went red, I was in the right place, and for the only time, I was delighted to be killed by him. Edited to add: don't give me the key please. I have the items and won't be playing it really.I just wanted to share my moment in the fire. (edited)


wrote on 2024-05-20 19:40:34

I left after wotlk and only came back after the first patch of cata, made the mistake of rolling a worgen and walking in the goldshire inn on an rp server, switched to horde that day and never looked back


wrote on 2024-05-20 18:53:10

That was huge change of the world


wrote on 2024-05-20 14:19:23

i didn't play cata when it was out, but wanting to try it out to experience it


wrote on 2024-05-20 06:43:12

I think i was in the Barrens, confused about the change of the landscape. And even more confused after I was hit by Deathwing.


wrote on 2024-05-20 06:35:04

I didn't play wow at that moment but i've got the achievement later because i sought it actively.


wrote on 2024-05-20 03:09:34

I was minding my own business. I got called away from the computer so I tucked my character away from any mobs. I came back and I had a new achievement.


wrote on 2024-05-19 22:22:26

I remember rerolling to priest and lvling it. Then later i think i had to chase him to get the achivement and it wasn't that easy XD


wrote on 2024-05-19 17:58:29

I was so surprised - I don't remember where I was standing but it was someplace totally innocuous and normally death-free, and then wham, dead as a doornail and got the achievement.


wrote on 2024-05-19 15:44:33

I noticed nothing, just suddenly dead then turned around to go hmm that sucked


wrote on 2024-05-19 12:04:35

Had to unlock those sweet rogue legendary daggers. Fun quests, less fun grinding for them.


wrote on 2024-05-19 10:09:55

I remember it well. The world was changed, and I was going through the new zones that were revealed in the upheaval. I found myself in Uldum, meeting our new Tolvir friends. The sky darkened, filling with a deep crimson hue, ash raining down, followed by a monstrous shadow blocking out the sun. It wasn't long until I soon awoke, covered in bandages and burn scars, just to see the sands burning and our new Tolvir friends looking a little crispy.


wrote on 2024-05-19 09:42:01

As I joined WoW after Cata, I have never personally felt the warmth of Deathwing's burning breath, and it would be awesome to actually have the experience and be able to join the conversation as a 'charred'! So that would be what I am looking forward to ☺


wrote on 2024-05-19 09:22:21

I was in Gatgetzan, coming out of the Neutral AH. Didn't even know about the achievement.


wrote on 2024-05-19 09:06:05

I was actively seeking the achievment :D And I remember exactly that the Worldbreaker caught up on me in Uldum. :) I still have the screenshot.


wrote on 2024-05-19 05:04:29

That was huge change of the world... I enjoyed going through familiar locations that suddenly looked different..


wrote on 2024-05-19 01:10:09

I was doing my best to get my achievement for trying to get the fire buff, however I managed to finally see the sky turn red and everything turn to fire and ash, but somehow through the experience. I stayed in Uldum for the next week, and finally the world ender returned. Achievement granted! Though, punching Deathwing in the face was also pretty awesome!


wrote on 2024-05-19 00:16:32

I don't remember where I was when I eventually got hit by Deathwings blaze (on November 11th 2011 according to my achievement), but I do remember Cataclysm being one of my favorite expansions. It was perfect for a casual player like myself.

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